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Showing posts from 2014

Feeling a bit nostalgic

It has certainly been a long time since I last laid out some words on this blog. Life can sure just make things difficult in so many ways that it doesn't allow one time to just write. In the past, I had a very vibrant blog that in hindsight I should have kept up and going. But life happened and I deleted it without keeping the entries in another form. This blog was a way to resurrect that and to keep a running journal on my thoughts in kink and fetish. Something prompted me to go looking for some old photos of when I crossdressed. In my last post  I talked about what got me curious about wearing women's clothes and my first experiments. As I got older and was able to dress in a space of my own I did for about 4 years. There was something very freeing about it and it did give me some new perspectives on what women go through to look nice for us dudes as well as how it made me feel in regards to my likes as a kinky person. I was excited to find what I did, although there were way...

Early Fetish Memories

I saw this pic on Facebook the other day. I laughed but then all of my neurons fired and memories were jogged from days past. As a teenager, I wasn't really aware of how deep the fetish that I had for leather was. In junior high, I loved seeing girls in leather bomber jackets but the first time I saw a leather skirt, I was going nuts inside. I don't think my young mind knew how to handle it. (In some ways, I don't think my now 40 something mind can still handle it but anyway) What I didn't know was that I wanted to know what wearing leather felt like, but I didn't have anything that I could wear. So I found cleaner garment bags, you know the long clear plastic bags and I cut holes in for my head and arms and I put it on. It was kind of weird but a bit restricting. Overall, it did the trick for a short moment. I needed something much more restrictive and after looking, I found bags similar to what you see in the photo that I could manipulate just carefully enough t...

Catching up with me

Hey folks! Just checking in to say hello and let you know what's going on in my world. It's nice to have a bit of time off to regroup in so many ways. Since I started this blog, I think I have been blogging very deeply about my favorite topic, leather. I don't want to seem like a fanatic (secretly I am LOL) but if you follow me on twitter and/or other places on social media, you see that I am a lot of things and into a lot of things. With that said, I have started back on some social media sites that have been neglected for a while like tumblr. Tumblr has been a great outlet for me for several years now. I am on my second tumblr page as I am on my second blog (deleted for personal reasons) but both of these have been and continue to be great outlets for me to talk "out loud" about stuff that I like and things that I am into. Then Pinterest caught my eye about a year ago and I set up an account and forgot about it. I was without a computer for about a year and most...

Leather Mind Control

Inspired by a group post on FetLife written by LeatherGuardian . Leather is so beautiful in all of it's forms that no matter what, it can overtake a true lover or fetishist. But what about when it is so overwhelming, it puts your mind in a new space. A space that when you first are taken there, it feels like such a wonderful high and everytime afterwards, the high needs more. You need the touch of a leather glove on your face, the smell of a jacket, the feel of a pair of leather pants squeezing your loins, the tightness of a leather skirt on your bottom or the tight encasement of a hood to heighten the senses that can still experience the leather. Leather can be intoxicating on when you are alone and it can be very persuasive and hypnotizing when worn by others. When worn by others who are attractive to you (physically, mentally or otherwise), the pull is strong but other factors allow you to be drawn in and depending on the person and the relationship, you will feel strongly abo...

How does Your fetish make you feel?

As I sit here looking at FetLife, I am glad this site was created. I know there are many who are into their fetish and other activities either as a full part of their life or a small part for whatever reason. How does your fetish make you feel? Is it a release, an life enhancement or simply a diversion from other things? How ling has your fetish been a part of your life? Do you know when it became apparent to you that this fetish was something you would have with you for life? Have you ever tried to run from it only to come back to it, clinging to it for warmth, comfort and support. Do you ever feel changed by it, for better or for worse?

My fetish is my weakness

What does your fetish do to you? Does it make you more insatiable, does it transform you into someone else? Leather is my weakness, on so many levels I want to give in to it even when I know I can't and I shouldn't. I find myself talking dirty to myself in the mirror wanting to touch myself and when I touch myself. "You dirty slut! Look at you, you will do anything for this fabric won't you?" I say breathlessly as I find myself panting out in satisfaction, yet giving in again to leather. It truly transforms me, I feel like it is my armor that makes me powerful, yet weak. Why does leather do this to me? As I write, I think about my pictures both new and old and think about this kinky creature that leather turns me into and I yearn to go to that place where I can be transformed by the power of my leather armor.