I saw this pic on Facebook the other day. I laughed but then all of my neurons fired and memories were jogged from days past. As a teenager, I wasn't really aware of how deep the fetish that I had for leather was. In junior high, I loved seeing girls in leather bomber jackets but the first time I saw a leather skirt, I was going nuts inside. I don't think my young mind knew how to handle it. (In some ways, I don't think my now 40 something mind can still handle it but anyway) What I didn't know was that I wanted to know what wearing leather felt like, but I didn't have anything that I could wear. So I found cleaner garment bags, you know the long clear plastic bags and I cut holes in for my head and arms and I put it on. It was kind of weird but a bit restricting. Overall, it did the trick for a short moment. I needed something much more restrictive and after looking, I found bags similar to what you see in the photo that I could manipulate just carefully enough t...